“Horrors of the One-Room Schoolhouse” on 9/17

September is back to school time!  Even though the sight of backpacks and the school bus may bring unhappy faces, parents can tell their children that, compared to the schools of long ago, today’s are not bad at all!  The image of a cozy one-room school house, filled with neat rows of desks and a young sweet schoolmarm, is merely fiction.  One-room schools of yesteryear were more likely to be filled with practices that sound horrifying to modern ears.  Visit the museum on September 17, 2:00 to 4:00, to learn what it was really like to go to public school over 275 years ago.  Children may try their hand at a penmanship lesson using a quill pen.  The program includes tours of the fully restored, c1740 farmhouse, as well as open-hearth cooking demonstrations featuring period techniques and recipes. Admission is $4 for ages 13 and older, $3 for ages 3-12, and free age 2 and younger.

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