History of Silhouettes on 5/20/18

Silhouettes, also known as profile art, reached the height of popularity between the 17th and mid-19th centuries.  They were the snapshots of the day – an instant memento, a lover’s keepsake, or a family record.  On May 20, from 2:00 to 4:00, the Miller-Cory House Museum will feature a program on the history and art of silhouettes.  Children may make a simple silhouette to take home.  Please note that children who participate must be able to handle scissors safely, and parents must remain with children at all times.  Also included are tours  and demonstrations of 18th century open-hearth cooking using colonial-era recipes and techniques.  Admission is $4 ages 13 and older; $3 ages 3-12 and free age 2 and younger. No reservations are necessary; however, groups of 10 or more are asked to call in advance for a time to visit.  Call or email for more information.

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